Get Involved with SHPE Rice!

At SHPE Rice, we believe in the power of engagement for personal and professional development. This is your gateway to a vibrant community where endless opportunities await. Explore events, leadership roles, and networking possibilities to make a meaningful impact. Join us on a journey of growth and community building – become an essential part of SHPE Rice!

Why Join SHPE Rice?

Joining SHPE offers a myriad of opportunities for personal and professional growth. As a member, you’ll:

  • Network: Connect with like-minded individuals passionate about engineering, diversity, and professional development.
  • Professional Development: Access workshops, seminars, and industry events designed to enhance your skills and prepare you for a successful career.
  • Community Engagement: Engage in outreach programs aimed at inspiring the next generation of Hispanic engineers and making a positive impact on our local community.

How to Get Involved

Become a Member

Fill out our membership form to officially become a member of SHPE Rice

Attend our Events

See our upcoming events for exciting opportunities and connections

Attend our Events

Gain leadership experience and create a tangible difference within SHPE Rice

Become a Mentor

Fill out this quick form to be paired to a mentorship buddy

Attend Nationals

Learn more about attending the SHPE National Convention

Join our Listserv

Stay in the loop and get updates on upcoming events and opportunities

Join our GroupMe

Join us for instant updates, discussions, and a vibrant community experience

Follow our Instagram

Follow us on Instagram to see upcoming events and event highlights

Connect on LinkedIn

Boost your network and connect with other students and alumni in our LinkedIn group